PC-Masonry ™ Paste Epoxy is the concrete and masonry filler for applications that are vertical, inclined or overhead. No drip or sag. Gray color resembles cinder block. Easy to trowel. Long open time. Anti skid finish when cured.
Here are just a few specific uses (there are many more uses):
- Repair large voids and trip hazards in concrete
- Level out uneven spots in concrete
- Rebuild and patch vertical damage
- Rebuild missing pieces on steps and curbs
- Coat concrete areas to become skid resistant on decks and pools
- Seal and rebuild spalled concrete flooring
- Deter equipment damage to concrete flooring
- Repair damaged dormitory wall
- Fill spalled concrete in parking garage ramp
- Reduce trip hazard in public park walkway
- Seal pipe hole through exterior wall
- Waterproof cracked cinderblock
- Fix damage to wall from fork truck
- Secure landscape block or stone
- Repair holes to faux or imitation stone sign
- Repair damaged stucco on hotel or restaurant
- Fill hole in wall from swinging delivery door
- Fill and repair broken concrete statue or fountain
PC-Masonry™ | 8 oz.
PC-Masonry™ | 32 oz.
PC-Masonry™ | 1 gallon
How to prepare a surface for bonding with PC-Masonry™
Old concrete must be clean and profiled or textured. Surface must be clean and sound. It may be dry or damp, but free of standing water. Remove contaminants such as dust, dirt, oil and grime with a solvents such as denatured alcohol (ethanol), acetone, rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or lacquer thinner. Mild detergent solution in water is also good removing contaminants. Use a clean paper towel or rag for wiping. Do not use mineral spirits or paint thinner for removing contaminants. New concrete should be a minimum of 21 days old. Prepare the surface by rough-grinding, scarifying or by using other equipment that will give a roughened profile. A roughened surface is imperative for good adhesion. Always be sure the bonding surfaces are prepared in advance before mixing product. Mix only enough PC-Masonry that can be used within 20 minutes at 75 °F (24 °C). Remove rust and loose paint with sandpaper or wire brush. Epoxy typically sticks to most paints. If there is a concern of the paint’s adhesion then remove it with sandpaper or wire brush. Smooth, glossy and shiny surfaces should be roughened using sandpaper to increase adhesion.
How to clean-up after PC-Masonry™ application
Clean up mixed epoxy before it cures with paper towels and solvent. Denatured alcohol (ethanol), acetone, rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or lacquer thinner are suitable solvents for removing uncured epoxy. Cured epoxy can be removed with paint stripper or remover.
How soon can PC-Masonry™ be driven over?
PC-Masonry™ can be driven over in 24 hours.
Can PC-Masonry™ be painted?
Always choose a premium stain sealing primer when painting.
Is PC-Masonry™ suited for a curb repair?
PC-Masonry™ can be worked vertically and holds an edge making it suitable for curb repair.
Does PC-Masonry™ smell bad?
PC- Masonry™ has a slight odor before it cures. There is no odor after cure.
Is PC-Masonry™ supposed to be gritty?
PC-Masonry™ contains a non-abrasive grit to simulate the appearance of mortar or cinder block.
Will PC-Masonry™ damage or melt Styrofoam?
PC-Masonry™ does not damage Styrofoam. It works well to repair faux or simulated stone or block made with Styrofoam core.
Can sand be applied to the surface of PC-Masonry™?
Sand can be spread or pressed into the surface of applied PC-Masonry™ during its working time.
What is the working time of PC-Concrete™ at 100°F?
Higher temperatures will reduce the working time of PC-Masonry™. At 100°F, the working time is reduced to 15 minutes.
Can PC-Masonry™ be applied exterior sidewalk?
PC-Masonry™ can be applied to exterior surfaces such as sidewalks, decking and curbs.
Will PC-Masonry™ shrink?
PC-Masonry™ does not shrink. It does not contain solvents or volatiles.
Don’t mix PC-Masonry™ in a cup or container.
Mix it on a flat surface with a stiff putty knife. Otherwise, there is a risk of incomplete mixing.
Don’t apply epoxy paint directly to the PC-Masonry™.
Use a stain-sealing primer before apply finish coat.
Use denatured alcohol or acetone.
To help smooth or feather the edge of PC-Masonry™ when reducing trip hazards in sidewalks.