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PC-11 Marine Epoxy

Swimming Pool Cracks Got You Down? Don’t Despair… You CAN Fix It.

By Swimming Pool Repair, Uncategorized

Most swimming pool owners would agree that their pool is the centerpiece of a picturesque backyard environment. It is the epicenter of entertainment – for your family, for your children, and for your friends and neighbors. It is a place to come together, unwind, relax, and enjoy the tranquility of the glorious summer months. Not to mention the fact that your pool has been a huge monetary investment, and also consumes a large amount of time and money to clean and maintain properly.

The sudden appearance of unsightly cracks along the bottom, sides, or stairs can feel like a slap across your tan and smiling face. Pool cracks are even known to bring on such physical symptoms as nausea, vomiting, facial tics, and generalized anxiety disorder!

So what do you do? Are you facing the horrible concept of draining thousands of gallons of water and an expensive repair bill? You have a pool party next week!!! Where do you turn for answers?

The solution may be much simpler than you think. You can fix pool cracks underwater through the simple use of epoxy (glue) products that are designed for just this purpose – without draining your pool. It’s fairly easy to do, and only requires a speedo, goggles, and a bit of PC-Pool Epoxy or PC- 11 Marine Epoxy. Gills would be nice, but sometimes, you just can’t have everything you want.

About PC’s Underwater Epoxies

PC- 11 is a high-tech structural paste epoxy and has been formulated as a true marine epoxy, which allows users to bond to wet, dry, or fully submerged substrates. The PC-11 paste epoxy is formulated to provide an extended working time for large and critical jobs, which even allows the user to reposition work or make changes as they repair. High “wet grab” or tack of PC-11 epoxy makes overhead and sidewall work easy without drip or sag. Nothing to it folks!

The PC – Pool Epoxy Putty Stick is a new product that is both excellent and very convenient for repairing pool tiles or other equipment without draining the pool. It even demonstrates an excellent resistance to mild acids, caustics, chlorine, detergents, gasoline, fuel oil, salt, and fresh water.

Magic? No – just polymerization and technology – but it sure feels magical to the anxious pool owner! You CAN fix it yourself – just follow the mixing directions and apply where needed. For mixing tips, where to buy, and additional information, just follow this link. Time to enjoy that crack-free pool!